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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For the book Jane Eyre, who would you consider to be the intended audience?

Question: For the book Jane Eyre, who would you consider to be the intended audience!?
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me!.!.!. I first read Jane Eyre at 12!. I read it again at about 18 and again at 38 or 39!. I am 64 and have just recently re- read it!. Each time I have been enthralled!. I believe Charlotte Bronte did not have any particular intended audience when she wrote it at 31 years old!. Charlotte's birth date is April 21, 1816!. Her book "Jane Eyre" written in in 1847!. The novel is layered with huge social issues relevant to the day !.

Charlotte, I think wanted women, all women to read this story and she also wanted men to read it!. I think she wanted to introduce society to choice, not from a moral vantage point but to encourage them to find safe harbour in the struggle to resist the seductive offers and expectations on the basis of self reliance!. She wanted to give women worth and respect in the minds of the men who believed they were superior and women were unaccomplished and without sophistication!.

She did not intend to elliminate any potential audience!. She was not wealthy and wanted to sell her book!. make some money !. just like all of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The intended audience was for the middle/higher classes of the 1840s, I would say, but that can translate to the common folk of today, as well!.

Most people in that era were proper and poised!. Girls were to be married off by their fathers and only to people who would be properly suit for them-- love was rarely a factor!. Girls were often lovesick for those who looked the handsomest and most charming!. A story like Jane Eyre would have appealed to them very much so!. Females probably adored Charlotte Bronte's work!.

I hope that this has helped!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Victorian era English speaking people!.

One can argue Ms!. Austen was aiming for a female audience, but if Welsh coal miners loved her work she was not about to complain!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say normal people!.

People who aren't perfect and are maybe frustrated with their love lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com