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Question: Bad Stuff bout EDWARD CULLEN!?
I'm in LOVEE with him coz he's just so perfect and patterson doesn't do him enough justice, though he is attractive!. But i need to get over him coz HE'S A FICTOINAL CHARACTER FFS!. SO spill all the bad stuff pleaseeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
SAD HUH!? =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand your obsession to a certain degree!. Something about the Twilight series makes girls go literally mad, crazy, they get all emotional over him!. And yes, that was once me!. Not that I was in that "sever" of a case, but I just thought Edward lived in my closet and sometimes under my bed!. I guess that is a little obsessed!. Now I'm completely over it because of all the girls that are overly obsessed over him!. Edward isn't real, and if he did exist, or anyone was a vampire that was amazingly attractive, then I would say, "There's a real reason why you love him!." Anyways Edward is a waste of your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um he's not even real, that's all I'm going to say!. People are really scaring me with this "I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN" Sorry people but we're living in reality here, it's not like he is going to pop out and drag you along with him!.

Personally, I have never even read Twilight!. I don't want to go through a terrible obsession that will take over my teenage life :(
I have a great life already and I don't need a fictional character inside my head 24/7Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay i totally get your obession!.!.i love twilight !.!!!
the cast is amazing for twilight, but if you really want bad stuff about edward cullen ill give it (even tho i love the character)

edward is too controling and he over thinks stuff to much !.

he not a good choses for bella!.!.he can't give her anything really but his love !.!.

plus he left her (but he did that to keep her safe !.so!.!.!.!.!.!. )

don't worry you will get over it !.!.its like any other cruch!.!.(plus there are really good boys out there ) somewhere!.!.=DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha don't worry, for me and my friend, the obsession just lasted a week or two! xP

Uhmm lemme think!.!.!.!.idk!!! hes like a big marble statue chizzled to perfection!!!

you'll get over it just believe me ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

he's a fictional character
he's a vampire
he's taken
he would know every single thing you thought about
he could kill you so easily

The worst thing is: he doesn't existWww@QuestionHome@Com

he's not real
and he likes girls who are pushovers!. So he can control them!. But he's smartWww@QuestionHome@Com