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Question: What are some ideas for this book i am writing!?
I am writing a book about four very popular, pretty and rich girls that go to a boy/girl school and like to go to the mall and just be girls! They like to hang out with the boys and go to the boys football games a lot! I just need a good name for this book i am writing! Please put any ideas you have! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow!. I know you're probably hearing "!.!.!. that idea is SO cliche!!.!.!.", like every answer, and yes, a book about 4 girlfriends is a little cliche, but I am a teenage girl, and I personally don't want to be reading Harry Potter all the time!. I think that if you really put a lot of effort into it and give it a little twist (my friend suggested putting a transfestite in there, but that's totally Ugly Betty, right!?), not just a bunch of girls drooling over the same guy!. So don't let the other answerers get to you!
And the name--- well, we need to know more about the book!. Maybe email it to a few people, and once they've read it then they suggest a name!? But from what I've heard, I think the name Twisted would get the attention of people (that is, if you take my advice and put a twist in there), but share it with some people and that's the best way to get a name!.
Well, I hope I helped!. Sorry for the long answer!. And this is making it even longer!. Crap!. I'm shutting up now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, I don't want to break your spine over this one, but this is EXTREMELY cliche!. This sounds like those Gossip Girl books, those Uglies/Pretties books, and the Clique books!. Sounds like every--I hate this term--chick-lit book out there!. Nothing new, nothing original!. No one wants to read about four, pretty, popular girls who hang out at football games and oggle over jocks on the fields!. There is no depth or realism to that!.
When you write a novel, you NEVER write about everyday things!. You always write about the extraordinary, even if your novel's mainstream/contemporary!. This is nothing extraoridinar, nor is it very realistic!. Scrap the idea and start with another one!. You can come up with better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chickish, sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Diamond Princess ClubWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not another one!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com