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Question: I'm writing a vampire fantasy novel!.!.!.!. what do you want to read about in a vampire book!?!?
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Well, I agree that vampire books are very popular right now!. But I don't agree with others when they say don't write one!. If your book is good enough, then by all means go ahead and try to publish it! You may not score points for originality, but the fact is, it's what people want right now!. Vampire fans, especially Twilight fans, are going to be looking for similar novels to read right now!. Popularity sells!.

But again, make sure your writing is original, even if the idea isn't!. I'd personally like to read about a vampire who isn't stereotypical!.!.!.perhaps a vampire who's just an everyday, ordinary person who happens to suck blood!. Don't make him (or her) dark, mysterious and broody!.!.!.why not make them geeky and awkward!? A vampire who doesn't fit in with other vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I have to say that such a book would probably only interest me if it were "according to Stoker"!. By that, I mean that his book is still without question the best description of a vampire ever given!. That does not mean that all vampires should be "Dracula", but it *does* mean that vampires should have the same powers and limitations as Dracula!.

Apart from that, the sky's the limit!. I'm not much of a romance lover, but I have read romance stories that were exceptional!. I guess I would *most* prefer something along the traditional lines - vampire bad, vampire evil, vampire sneaky, vampire powerful, a bunch of doofuses run around trying to figure out how to whack the vampire!.!.!.!.

You know, like "Sorcerer's Stone"!.

Jim, http://www!.jimpettis!.com/bibles/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz and the Twilight series, blend the layers together with your own original characters and plot line and bam you've got a hit!. Something where one of the main characters finds out they are a vampire at the very begining, or at the very end, and then build a complex plotline around how they handle the events either leading up to it or figuring out 'vampire stuff'!. Reality meets the vampire universe - make it real and personalWww@QuestionHome@Com

Something original!. Umm, like maybe vampires rule the world, and their are only a few humans left so, even though they're thirsting for them, they have to let them live, otherwise the vampire's will die!. Then a big battle goes out because some vamps can't stand it!. Though, I'm not sure if that IS original!.
Otherwise, I like to see!.!.a bit of romance (with either another vampire or human, or other species)!. I like a lot of suspense, action scenes!.
Just be careful not to take too much from other vampire stories!. Make sure it's got a few twists in it!.
Sorry I couldn't help more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

DON'T look at Twilight for reference!. It's extremely difficult to make an original vampire story, and looking to Twilight most certainly would not help that because Twilight isn't entirely original itself!.

What I would want to read is originality!. It's not good to seek suggestions on this site because you will get Twilight crazed fans who will offer you ideas that have been done over a million times!. I suggest thinking of the ideas yourself!. Be warned, only really good writers can think of anything original with vampires because Anne Rice, Meg Cabot, Stephanie Meyer, and bunches of other authors have pounded vampires into the ground!. Go on absolutewrite!.com for professional reference and not this site where you're likely to receive more amateurs than actual writers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am in love with the Twilight series!. But you don't want to copy from those books!. I think romance always makes books better and worth reading!. Of course if it's a vampire book there has to be action!. And forbidden love always makes a book more interesting!. Good luck with your story!. I don't think you should do the whole vampire and the sun thing!. It puts too many limits on the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you really shouldnt write another vampire fantasy novel!.
people will think that you are copying off of stephanie meyer!.
plus, publishing compnies arent really looking for vampire novels at the moment beucase there's been so many out there at the moment; you really should consider on writing about something else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like a book that has a love story!. It needs to keep to the original story of vampires and have some sort of conflict in it!. Some action would be good, but not too much cause it will take away from the love story!. Maybe have the characters be in their 20's instead of high school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just don't make it about true love

i'd like to read about something thats never been written before!. i'd like to see older vampires that are not in the highschool settingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with the other girl!.
there are far too many vampire based novels in the market right now!.
and its just the same unoriginal story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't want to read a vampire book at all!. There's too many out there at the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is it with all these vampire stories!?!!?!!?


Look at Twilight for reference! It's such a great series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

like the twilights with laods of good twists and turnsWww@QuestionHome@Com