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Question: I'm writing a story!.!.!.character development help!!!?
Me and my friend are in the middle of making our first comic and I'm writing the story but I think I'm having a little problem developing my characters!. One of my characters especially, has become really inconsistent, he's supposed to be a young cockney boy but sometimes his dialuoge turns into a formal english gentlemen, I noticed that problem and corrected it but I think I may be having more problems!.

What factors do you think make up good character development!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first factor you have to consider is your genre - what kind of comic are you writing!? Personally, I believe good character development comes from making your characters as human as possible, then pit them against something that forces them to examine who they are and what they do!. For instance, if your cocky boy has to recognize the authority of another!. This will force him to change or to split and that will be more telling than any sentence you can write!. Without more details I would say this - if your character speaks like a formal English gentleman, then that is your character and not the boy you want him to be!.
Your characters will assert themselves, don't force them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com