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Question: "Paradise Lost" by John Milton!?
What is some evidence that shows that Satan is a round character!? How does his personality change throughout the story!? Does he act in any surprising ways!?

Please only provide information from Book 1 and Book 9!.
I have read this, but it is so confusing, I dont understand it!. Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Round characters represent a depth of personality which is imitative of life and they undergo development as the story proceeds!. In book 1, SATAN, Beelzebub, and the other rebel angels are described as lying on a lake of fire, from where Satan rises up to claim hell as his own domain and delivers a rousing speech to his followers ("Better to reign in hell, than serve in heav'n")!.

Book 9 shows satan's second attempt to tempt Eve after he was expelled from eden in Book IV by Angel Gabriel!. In Book 9 he comes back and enters the body of a sleeping serpent!.
The serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge!. She eats and takes some fruit for Adam!.

To answer your qustion,
Satan is presented in terms that begin classically heroic, then diminish him until he is finally reduced to a dust-eating serpent unable even to control his own body!. You can see how he changes as a character, how he diminishes!. Satan's extreme narcissism and hatred got worse!. In Book 1, his narciccism and pride got him into trouble when he rejected God's authority by claiming he was self-made or 'self-begot' and he rebelled, then in Book 9 in his second attempt to decieve eve and destroy God's work (Humanity)!. He went from rejecting God's authority (by fighting) with angels in heaven!. To becoming more subtle, having a more controlled weakedness by tempting eve and aiding the fall of man!. Later his hatred for God is so extreme that he planned to destroy God's good works
[Controlled means he planned more]

Another change i think is that at first it seems he only wanted to be 'free' from God's authority but then from his speech in Hell ("Better to reign in hell, than serve in heav'n")!. He shows that he wanted to rule in God's Heaven, which is the real reason for the rebellion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com