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Question: Brave New World Question!!?
im having trouble answering this question, so please help me out!.

What could be wrong with a society where everyone is happy!? Criticize Brand New World!.

any help woud help me a great deal, so thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The problem is that the world is artificially created (soma, mass-producing babies, senso-films) people aren't actually happy, they just exist!. There is no purpose to life, nothing to strive for!. They take everything the government says as true!. also if people are never challanged, they never grow, even the Deltas and the Epsilons!. (I wasn't exactly sad when Lenina died)!. The society was happy because they were brainwashed, John Savage and them were satisfied because they accomplished something (survival in many cases)!. If there as anything you want me to elaborate on, feel free to post an edit and I will try to help you out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The place you are dreaming of is Heaven!Those who know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior will someday live in that eternally happy place!.Until then He can give you a peace that you can't get anywhere else!.May God bless you!Www@QuestionHome@Com