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Question: Will someone help me with my story idea!?
I have part of a story idea and plot, but I need help laying it out!. Normally when I have a full outline of my plot (meaning the chapters and set out and I know what I'm writing about), I can start the story, but I'll never finish it!.

Does anyone have any useful tips or advice on how I can plot out a story idea, start my story and continue my story until the very end!? I believe that part of the reason that I have difficulty continuing a story is because I get easily discouraged!. also, I sometimes have difficulty starting a story because I don't know where to start or how to captivate the reader's attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree you need to write - everyday!. Hemmingway would often set aside an hour to write and would remark that if he had seven words, no matter what order, it was a good session!.
Second, read!. How do your favorite books start!? Do they start with a character!? Some action!? A scene!? Try emulating their openings, even if it isn't for the story you are writing right now!.
also, if you seem to have some trouble sustaining the story, try outlining less!. One of the best piece of advise I've ever gotten was this - if there are no surprises for the writer, there will be none for the reader!.

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The main problem (I think) is starting the story itself!. I have the same problem when I can imagine all of these great scenes/characters but I just can't start!.
You need to try writing the scene itself!. Just start somewhere in the middle and sew everything together later, when you have a better sense of the characters, etc!. Only you know if you begin at the beginning!

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I write I tend to have the same problem as you!. What helps me is if I think of something that sounds cool and just turn it into anything I want!. I go to a quite place and just sit down and write!. Don't worry about spelling or if you used correct grammar just write!. Then later you can go back and worry about the details!. And to make sure you keep going, quit writing in a place where you don't know what the next sentence or better yet paragraph will be about!. It makes the story exciting and keeps you questioning your own mind!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok first thing you do is make a beginning/middle/end table!. put the things that you want roughly in one of these sections!. once you've done that, put it together, so you have a sort of plot summary for yourself on each chapter!. This will help you when you're getting stuck for what to write!. then, just write! just pick whichever chapter sounds the most interesting and go for it!
hope tht helped, tell me how it is going!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stick with it and believe in yourself!. Try writing at least a page a day!. But also just start writing whatever you feel like I have a hard time starting myself sometimes but once I get started I can keep going!. I just change my begining later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com