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Question: Twilight or Harry Potter!? which is better!?
Twilight sold WAYYYY more books than harry potter!!!!!! i bet most of you didn't know that because harry potter is glorified! i think Twilight is WAY better than Harry Potter!!!

What about you!? which one do you like better!?

*** edward!! <3 <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
TWILIGHT of course! Go TEAM EDWARD!!!! Damn Jacob to hell! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is American based!. Harry Potter is UK based!. Very local, American people can't identify with Harry because he lives in the UK and has different traditions, different ideas etc!.!.!. As a result, American people won't be so mad about Harry Potter!.

The USA is remarkably bigger than the UK!. Than Europe, even!. also marketing is bigger in the USA!. In fact, everything is bigger in the USA!. Everything is focused on "sell, sell, sell!"

In my opinion, Harry Potter hasn't done bad for its position, and JK Rowling made her money from it!. HP was never glorified, but I think Twilight is!.

It's surprising what excessive advertising can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter is 100,000 times better than Twilight!.

Twilight isn't half as imaginative or creative as Harry Potter and its characters are shallow, one dimensional cartoons compared with JK Rowling's!. The characters in Twilight don't even develop throughout the series!. They stay the same, shallow people no matter what "remarkable" experiences they have!. Their relationships are based on either lust or random sudden feelings they have that they falsely label friendship and devotion!. It is not written well and it promotes leaving behind good relationships for lust and urges girls to abandon all else and accept the first guy they meet --- as long as his looks are perfect!.

Harry Potter is a series that has meaning and depth that invokes feeling inside you!. It is about nobility, loyalty, friendship, respect, responsibility, trust, and many other meaningful things!. The characters form bonds beyond lust and admiration for good looks!. They have strong friendships that outlast time and even death!. Harry Potter will not and cannot be surpassed in any other book, ever!.

They aren't even able to be compared because Harry Potter is so far out of Twilight's league!. Harry Potter fans, we know what we're talking about!.

I mean every word of this answer!. That's right Twilight fans, bring on the thumbs down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

tht is an EVIL question!. oh i really don't know!.!.!.!. well ok!.

i think twilight is better because i manged to read the first three books over 2 weeks xmas holidays (i got given the first one and then i had to go and buy the others which is y it took so long otherwise i'm sure i would have finished in about 3 days)!.

also, onece i had finished the first one i immediatly had to get the next one and then once i'd finished that i had to get the third, then when i finished tht i began to go crazy cus i knew i'd have to wait until like october to get the 4th (i live in th UK and apparently thts when it will be available here)!.

this is not something i've ever experienced with HP, i never had this urgency to get the next book!. also, when the films came out i was never really scared about whether i'd be disappointed, but with twilight i am!.

so yes i agree with you, i think twilight is better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

totally different genre imo

HP is more heavy on the magic stuff i guess!.!. and focuses more on life of the hero which is harry potter

Twilight is romance essentially!.!.!.with the twist of fantasy (vampires & werewolf stuff)

i like them both !.!. no comparison for me!.!. i followed up both series

but based on how i eagerly read the books, i'd say twilight got me more hookedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ok well Twilight did NOT sell nearly as many books as HP did!. You made me laugh when you said this!. Twilight sold a little over 6 million books so far!.!.!. while Harry Potter sold over 400 million books!. HP is way better!. some alot of ppl dont even know what twilight is!! and Twilight bumped HP7 off of the number 1 bestsellers list!. But that was after HP7 has been out for 2 weeks!. everyone had it within a week!. It sold over 11 million coppies in the first day of its release!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the below reviews

The Deathly Halows http://living!.oneindia!.in/home-n-garden/!.!.!.
The Goblet Of Fire http://living!.oneindia!.in/home-n-garden/!.!.!.
The Prisoner Of Azakaban http://living!.oneindia!.in/home-n-garden/!.!.!.
The Chamber Of Secrets http://living!.oneindia!.in/home-n-garden/!.!.!.
Philosopher's Stone http://living!.oneindia!.in/home-n-garden/!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I honestly like Harry Potter better because it's more memorable to me!. I'm just sick and tired of people comparing them!. I like twilight alot but i started to not like the series after I read new moon and eclipse!. I'm just not much of a romance novel person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I think harry potter because in the last book he wrote it has alot of action in it!. I almost felt like i was in the book with harry potter fighting the deatheaters!. And the movies about harry potter is really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Twilight is better but i think it is more for a female teenage audience whereas even adults read harry potter and even children and boys as well as girls so i dont know!. Both as sucsessful as each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter!. at least it had some kind of theme to it, and an intresting plot
and where did you hear that it sold more copies than harry potter!? i thought that was the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uhm, it depends on what your looking for in a book!.!.!. romance, magic!.!.!.
There isn't so much romance in the Harry Potter books!.
I, of course, like the Twilight series better because of that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight is better than harry potter!!
twilight is the most book!!!

is beautiful, wonderful and !.!.!.!.!.!.!.bho!!
harry potter is boring!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

read this theyr making a movie of it now:
Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief
[Book 1]
so far there are 4 books
they are amazing!!
much better than harry potterWww@QuestionHome@Com

I read twilight to see what the fuss was about!. It was okay but I wouldn't rush out and get the others as they come out like I did with H P!.

I am not a teenager by the way I am 48!Www@QuestionHome@Com

HARRY POTTER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


what is twilight!? Are you talking about the forgotten realms series, twilight war!? me so confused!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

whenever i try to read a harry potter book i cant, they bore me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com