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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Question about Harry Potter and Sirius Black (spoiler warning)?

Question: Question about Harry Potter and Sirius Black (spoiler warning)!?
When Harry was a baby, why did Sirius give Peter the job of being Secret-Keeper for the Potters!? I forgot why, or if it's even explained, and want to know why!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
James and Sirius decided that Peter would be the Secret Keeper because in the end, Voldemort would suspect Sirius and go after him first!. While Sirius and James were best friends, and he trusted Sirius with his life, it was decided that the safest route to go was with Peter!. Remus wasn't chosen because he was a werewolf, and they were uncertain about his loyalties, knowing that there was a traitor in the Order!.

In the end, of course, Peter turned out to be the traitor, and Sirius Black was framed for his crimes, as he and James had been right - everyone assumed he was made Secret Keeper!. Therefore Peter was able to fake his own death, and everyone was fooled into thinking it was really Sirius Black who did it, despite his innocence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sirius peter james and lupin were all real good friends when they were growing up, so i think if i remember they just chose one!.!.!. i cant remember them saying anything about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

because sirius knew that voldemort was on to him, and so he gave peter the jobWww@QuestionHome@Com