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Question: Ted Dekker circle series!?!?!?
Has anyone out there read the circle series by Ted Dekker!? If so, how good is it and is it too complex for a 13 year old!? I was looking at them in my local Family Christian store and they sounded good but also very complex and mind bending!.
Are they easy to comprehend and how much action do they have!? First to answer all of my questions in this paragraph will get best answer!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've read all of Ted Dekker's books!.!.!.I don't think they'd be too complex for you, because they have enough action to keep you on your seat!. You may have to read fairly carefully, and flip back to places you've already read to remember something, but I personally thought they were great, and couldn't put them down!. They are kind of complex, but I think you should definitely give them a try!.!.!.maybe just buy the first one instead of all of them, so if you don't end up liking it- or try another one of his books, I've liked them all, and always buy up his new ones as soon as they come out!. Enjoy and God bless!

---And since I've actually read the whole series, I should get best answer :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started reading the series!.!.!.I didn't get through all of them though(I never do make it though an entire series of books)!. I don't think it would be too complex for you to understand though!. The second book prob has more action than the first one!. The first was is very intriguing and made me pick up the second one!. Now that I'm talking about them, I would like to pick up where I left off!. I do recommend you read it, or at least try!.!.!.!.!.also have you ever read Three by T!.D!.!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com