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Position:Home>Books & Authors> HELP I have a quote from The House of The Spirits by Isabel Allende. But I don&#

Question: HELP I have a quote from The House of The Spirits by Isabel Allende!. But I don't know where to find it !!?
I need to find the page number!. So if you even know which chapter, or where in the plot its located it would help !
the quote:
"He could hardly guess that the solemn, cubic, dense, pompous house, which sat like a hat amidst its green and geometric surroundings, would end up full of protuberances and incrustions!.!.!. all of which were Clara's inspiration"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's in Chapter 3, about three quarters of the way through!. The page number would vary according to which edition you had, so it wouldn't be much use for me to tell you the page number in MY copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com