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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know any books that have a theme about complacency in them?

Question: Does anyone know any books that have a theme about complacency in them!?
I know it is kind of a hard question but I wanted to see if anyone knew!.

(either the inevitability of complacency or the struggle with it)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis is the first novel that springs to mind when I ponder the dangers of complacency!. In fact Lewis is rather good on the subject, all around!. Look at Main Street too!.
Anne Tyler is an author whose themes often involve what happens to people whose complacency is challenged!. Look into Breathing Lessons, Earthly Posessions, If Morning Ever Comes and The Accidental Tourist, among others!. Don't be fooled by the quirkiness of her characters either!. It is just as easy to be peculiarly complacent as it is to be conformistly so!.
Clyde Edgerton's Raney might also work for you!.
also check out James Gould Cozzens' By Love Posessed and William Maxwell's Time Will Darken It!.
These may not be quite what you're looking for as most of them handle what happens to people when something bumps into their ordinary life!. You're right though, it is kind of a tough question, and I hope this is of some help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wrote an essay called:

Majoring in Academic Apathy: Applied Complacency and The Resulting Sh!t Storm

They made me redo the assignment!. It's not published yet, but I keep sending it to education journals!. I'll keep you posted!.
