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Question: Twilight lovers! PLease help!!!!?
OK!. Is there anyway to get Bella's lullaby on Itunes that I can buy!?!? I WANT IT SO BAD!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As of now, Bella's lullaby doesn't exist!. Robert Pattinson (Edward in the movie) composed a song, but he said he didn't like it and is now in the process of compsing a new one!. But you can go here to listen to the one I think sounds most like her lullaby here:


(Stephenie put it on the playlist on her website!.)
-go to itunes
-Billy Joel
- Goodnight My Angel (Lullaby)

I absolutely LOVE that song!. It's so beautiful and fits their story perfectly!. :) sighWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows what Bella's lullaby is!. Only the people editing the movie knows, and Stephenie Meyer!.

You can't buy it on iTunes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

theirs no lullaby to buy untill the movie but go on youtube they have great choicesWww@QuestionHome@Com

WHAT!!?!!? her lullaby is out!? i must find it!. If you find it, post it on here please !! thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com