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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How to treat my juvenile fantasy novel in an original way,without following the

Question: How to treat my juvenile fantasy novel in an original way,without following the same formula of hp!?
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Put in a lot of your own experiences or real experiences from other real people (unusual things you see in your friends, on TV, reported in magazines etc!. Even Readers Digest has lots of personal anecdotes that you can use to make your characters unique)!. That way you cannot inadvertently mimic HP - real people are often weirder, and more interesting than imaginary ones!. Strong, believable but unusual characters will sell your book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is very difficult!. If you start a magic school, you will be compared to HP!. If you show children visiting the magical world, it will be compared to Narnia!. What you need to look at is your characters and plot!. make sure they don't resemble anything famous!. Like, don't make a hero whose parents were killed by the villain, or don't show his 2 bestfriends- one of them a bookworm!. When you make your characters talk, don't model them after books but after people you know in real life!. Have an original plot that should not have anything to do with philosopher's stone or anything HP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try outlining what you want to say!. If it sound too POTTER-ISH cut it out of your outline and write it from the outlineWww@QuestionHome@Com

i know this might sound stupid, but does hp = harry potter in this scenario!?Www@QuestionHome@Com