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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know where I can make my own Twilight T-shirt?

Question: Does anyone know where I can make my own Twilight T-shirt!?
I really need to design my own Twilight T-shirt!. I want to make it
for the movie coming out on 12!.12!.08!. I know its early!. But I want it also for school and stuff!. I'm a big Twihard!. So if you know any good sites for it, it would be greatly appreciated!.

- Emily!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've made many t-shirts in my day (I haven't stopped since I got to college haha), and my favorite is to go to Hobby Lobby or Wal-Mart and buy a cheap t-shirt and some print-off iron-on pages (not the letters)!. They're awesome and you can do any number of things with the design!.

For example, for the HP5 movie premier, my friend and I put Order of the Phoenix on the front with a lightning bolt in the background, and on the back we put the prophecy, with 7-7-07 at the bottom!. All told, it cost about $10!. Oh yeah, and we painted dowel rods to look like wands haha!.

It's incredibly fun and I would recommend it to anyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, not a fan myself, but I do love making my own shirts!. So, all you do is copy the image you want and paste it onto your paint program!. Or design your own image in your paint program!.

Then go to Wal-Mart and buy "iron on t-shirt transfers!." They are with the printer paper, and photo paper!. I always get the Avery (red packet) Dark T-shirt transfers, so I can use them on any color of shirts!. They also have White t-shirt transfers, which are cheaper, but of course, can only be used on white shirts!. The Dark shirt transfers are about 10 bucks, and you get 5 transfers!. Instructions are included, and it's fairly easy to do!. I would buy an extra shirt to practice on, though!.

Good luck with your shirt!Www@QuestionHome@Com



No idea!. My advice would be to get a black t-shirt and some fabric paint and have some fun with them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wouldn't know!.!.!.but i want one too!Www@QuestionHome@Com