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Question: Should I consider getting my story published!?
In 8th grade English we had to choose from a list of topics to write about, one of them was Chanmpagne Jam!. I wrote a story the night before it was due, and everyone was flabbergasted by it!. Even the people who did not particularly like me loved it!. Everyone says I have a good imagination and some talent for writing!. What should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Publishing could be a nightmare at your age!. Just because your peers think you are a good writer doesn't mean you're cut out to be an author, at least not yet!. Part of writing is writing what you know, and at your age you just don't have all of the experiences you need!. Join a writing club, post things on-line at various writing websites, take summer or additional classes, expand your horizons and try new styles, and don't worry about publishing right now!. That comes later, and only if you really love what you do enough to write for several hours everyday!. Books are LONG my friend, and take a lot of effort to pull together!. If you really love to write, then write, but if you only love it because people praise you, then publishing is the last thing you want to do!. Publishing companies are brutal, and even the classics often had to struggle to come into print!. People will reject you again and again and again!. You have to LOVE writing to make it worthwhile, you have to need to write like some people need air, and you have to be extremely confident in your ability even when no one else is!. For now, develop your technique and just enjoy writing!. Worry about the rest when you're older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, go for it! First, get some feedback by older people or ppl who you know have a good knowledge on writing or good taste (like an adult, teacher, librarian, older sibling or friend)!. Re-read your story, edit, and think of where you would get your story published!. If it is a short story, what baout a teen writing magazine!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should develop your skill a bit more, have plenty of people read and edit your work, and then go for publication!

You said you're in the eighth grade!.!.!. One of my friends uses this writing website where you can post your writing and see what people think of it!. You can also get tips on how to write better, etc!.


Good luck with your writing career!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can you publish a story!?
can u tell me by sending me a mssageWww@QuestionHome@Com

sure go haead just tell ur teach to help u outWww@QuestionHome@Com