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Question: Ultimately Will the Internet make books superfluous!?
Just thrown a load of old reference books of me dads outWww@QuestionHome@Com

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The internet is too easy to throw crap into!. For example, suppose there's a certain site where you can read books!. Now, I want to make my own site, and put all my books on it!. What if my books are crap!? Who cares!? Who can stop me from making my own site!?

With actual books, agents (if the author tries to get one) filter out the crap!. Then, publishing companies filter out the rest of the crap!. Then, bookstores only stock the best of the best!. The stuff in bookstores is filtered and no one has to read any crap!.

Besides, I like reading books!. Books are also there for when you can't use the internet!. For example, at school!. I can't take my computer into school, but I can take a good old printed novel into class!.

I hope books don't become mostly available on the internet!. I never feel extremely special when I see my writing just on the internet!.

I want to see my name and work in PRINT if I ever get published!. It will be WAY more gratifying than seeing my work on a screen, partially because it will feel more!.!.!.professional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The internet will not make books superfluous so much as the method in which it will be presented!. When portable hard drives become big enough, and small enough, to function as mini databases, then books will still exist but mostly in electronic form, with limited publishing rights given to the reader (so many hard copies to be printed) in much the same way digital music is evolving!.

But that won't happen for quite a long time, due to the absence of reliable technology, the lack of a broad universal platform which can be widely and easily adapted (the process used to create hardcopy books is the same no matter what type of book is being made) and a lack of understanding what dangers to the information are possible!. The leap from parchment to paper was relatively simple, since the dangers (fire, water, physical tearing) were pretty much the same for both!. When you go from paper to electronic bytes, the dangers expand greatly so that questions of reliability will keep most of the basic information exchanges being done through paper for the time being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not the Internet, specifically, but electronic formats for books will eventually replace the paper format!. The electronic books will be downloaded on the internet but might be sold from brick-and-mortar stores too!.

The real barrier is getting an inexpensive electronic book reader that has the same user-friendly appeal as a paper book!. That means soft on the eye, easy to hold, and simple to navigate!. Amazon and Sony recently released eBook readers that are supposed to be closer than some that have failed in the past!.

But the revolution has already begun with students who can more easily search an electronic text book!. That familiarity will eventually carry forward to recreational reading when the ideal technology for eBook readers achieves mass distribution!.

The change will happen very quickly--similar to the way movies transitioned from VHS format to DVD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technology has made and will continue to make some industries ineffective unless they are able to adapt!. For example, the music industry has changed substantially not only in the way in which music is sold and marketed, but also in the way the recording industry has been in many ways rendered useless!. With programs like Cakewalk and Garageband etc!. recording has come to a musician's fingertips, with editing abilities to take a crappy garage demo and edit it into something that sounds half-way professional!. Of course, there continues to be an attraction to the uber-equipment of the studio recording, but it certainly won't be long before computers perfectly emulate all of that!.

This applies to all industries: movies, etc!. Books are no exception!. People say they'd rather read a book than the screen, but with Ipods able to download a plethora of copyright-expired literature for free and others for a small amount of money, why cary three hundred pages around when you can have 10,000 in one compact box!?

To say books will never be outdated is foolish!. Hard copy may be necessary to ensure records and books don't disappear in one big harddrive crash, but superfluous doesn't sound too far off for the direction things are headed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I always start with my reference books then go to the internet!.
It will never replace day to day reading books or study books - reading from a screen is really uncomfortable for most people and you REALLY can't take a PC or laptop under the covers to read the latest romance/thriller/horror book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think Oscar Wilde said "There is no greater solace than a good book" I would hate to think that cyberspace might take away the joy of turning the page and discovering the next twist or turn in the story!. The feel of a book in your hands and that moment when you open it and begin the journey is priceless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because there will always be people who want books in case of a huge internet crash or something!.

Plus the bookstore is an awesome place to hang out!. The Apple store just doesn't have the same vibe!.

Plus books don't give you viruses!.

Plus books are more fun to use!. And they make you feel sweet when you highlight stuff and use pencil to write in the margins!. Am I right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt it!. People read books in bed, on the loo, on the tube!.!.!. They have interesting front covers, they get bookmarked and written in (mine do)!. A book is a read but also something a bit more personal!. I can't see it happening but lots of people say that about new things don't they!? And don't ever throw books away! Surely there are people/businesses that want books!? Or donate them at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not to me!. I think there is nothing more nastalgic or special than going into a quiet library and goinging into the stacks and flipping through them books!. I also love the smell of the old library books!. Maybe I'm crazy, but I love books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe for encyclopaedia's or things that can be searched for!. books will never go out of fashion, people like them too much!. i prefer books more myself, you don't need to turn your whole computer on to read a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, I'd much rather read from a book than a computer screen, and printing out something as large as a book would cost more than buying it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May be for reference books, but not fiction I don't think - it's not easy reading a lot on a screen!. Plus, it's great having them on your bookshelf!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There will always need to be hard copy of everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope never, novels will always be in book form, it's just not the same reading a book online!. Encyclopedia's maybe but people will still have them just as a back up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe reference books, but never novels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way, You can't take your laptop in the bath!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possibly, but u cant beat reading a good novel late into the night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

got posibilityWww@QuestionHome@Com


NEVER!!! There are too many of us who like to curl up with a good book and we don't like reading stuff online!. It just is not the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com