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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do cat's eyes usually photograph so badly? whereas human eyes usually ph

Question: Why do cat's eyes usually photograph so badly!? whereas human eyes usually photograph perfectly!?
i have seen some photos that were true to life but they are professionally taken photos!.

with most home photos they look strange!. it's obviously something to do with the structure of the animal's eye!. i've seen so many strange looking photos of cat's eyes!. dogs eyes don't seem to photograph too well either!. why is this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're right!. It is the structure of the eye!. Cats are considered nocturnal!. Animals in this category have many more light receptors located at the back of their eyes!. Combine this with the animal's eye which also reflects light instantaneously with in the eye, back and forth, to get a "double dose" of light for the receptors to pick up!. Since the eyes are sensitive to reflection by their very nature, they consequently reflect light back out the pupil in situations of a strong light, like a camera flash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you know how those professionals manage to get those photos without the glow!?!.!.!.

It's a technique used to increase 'angle of reflectance'!.

Cameras (and photographers) who use the built in pop-up flash often experience red-eye in people, glowing eyes in cats and most other nocturnal animals (you also see it when spotlighting alligators, tigers, and deer at night)!. Deer have an elliptical iris (peripheral vision) so it is essential to move the flash either above or below them to eliminate 'flashback' from the receptors in the back of the eyes!.

With cats, who have a vertical iris (cat's eye), getting the flash to be further from the camera lens on either side is more essential for success

Increase the angle of reflectance from the lens to the flash and you will see dramatic improvement in your images!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have that reflective thing in the eye!. Forgot what it's called, so usually the flash from the camera reflects directly into it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cat's eye are designed to capture light!. All this light shows up strange in their eyes when photographed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's the size of there pupilsWww@QuestionHome@Com