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Question: Mixed Media drawing!.!.!.!?
I need to make a mixed media drawing and i haven't chosen a theme!. got any ideas!. thanks!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do some sort of "state change" drawing!. If you would like, draw the phase of a girls life, (baby girl, 7 yr old, teen, woman, senior) start by using color pencil and mix it up with water color and chalk!. The theme could be age!. You can also do a person or someone "in confusion" try using lots and lots of different media, and that itself can represent confusion!.

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do a still life of some fruit or a seashell on a piece of gathered fabric!. A famous painter did painting of cakes!. Or maybe a close up of a section of a christmas tree, with glass ornaments, and paint yourself into the reflection of the glass ball!.
Teachers always love painting of historical landmarks or city buildings!. Like the harbor, or a popular garden etc!. You take a photo then paint it at home!.You can add newspaper clippings with it in the feature!.

How about a hand writen 'dear john' letter pasted onto some kind of red blood spatter, or a car crash!. And some more sort of despressing things that depice a story of depression or suicide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe something about ecology with different textures!.
World Peace would be good!.
World Hunger awareness
AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe awarenessWww@QuestionHome@Com