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Question: Where does clay originate from!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Earth!. No, it's not a sarcastic answer!. The actual earth!.

Clay is a natural resource, which means it is not made by humans!.
Rather clay comes from the earth!. Clay is in fact all around us, it is part of the earth’s crust and the surface on which we tread!. It is usually found in little pockets that appear a couple of feet below the ground!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh boy! I've been waiting for this question forever!

Okay!. So the formula for clay is Al2O3?2SiO2?2H2O, which is alumina, silica, and water!. This makes porcelain, which is technically called "kaolin"!.
Picture a mountain!. Kaolin exists at the top!. It's the purest!. As weather and water shift it down the mountain, it gets contaminated with other elements, mostly iron!. There are lots of variations of clay based on the level of purity, but the most commonly found one is the least pure!. It's called "earthenware"!. That's probably what you would find if you dug a hole out in your backyard!.
Kaolin needs the highest temperatures to 'mature', and earthenware needs the lowest!.

The earth is absolutely *covered* in clay, but there are very few places that have a supply of kaolin!. China has tons of it, which is why so many old chinese ceramics are porcelain!. (Although they didn't value it any higher than other clays)!.

Clay that you would use as a potter is made up of a blend of several different kinds of clays to manipulate the colour, plasticity, shrinkage, and firing range!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Clay is basically dirt and water!. There might be other stuff but I'm not to sure !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's found all over the world!.!.that's like asking where grass originated from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it comes from the ground kinda like mud and plz give me best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com