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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What can i use to resemble this item?

Question: What can i use to resemble this item!?
Im making something and need dozens of these!.


What can i use that would look like this item in the pic!.!.!.
it has to have a base on the bottom too when u flip it over!. It cant be hollow!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first thing that comes to mind is a pie plate - but obviously, that's hollow!. Is there a reason you cannot have it hollow!? Will you be able to actually see the bottom on the application you're using!? If not, maybe the solution is to rig a base, perhaps an aluminum tube or a piece of wood or something and use some sort of epoxy to connect the two!.

Further, although it wood be some work, maybe you could use the same suggestion above but have circles of tin cut out in the same diameter of the pie plate edges, and glue the two together with some sort of support in the middle of the two!.

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