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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much do graphic designers charge for...

Question: How much do graphic designers charge for!.!.!.
a) designing a logo
b) designing a pizza box
c) creating ads for a magazine: full-page ad, half-page ad, and quarter-page ad

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If a designer is working for an advertising or marketing firm, he/she is paid his/her hourly or salary for doing whatever is requested!.

If the designer is free-lancing or has his/her own design business, the fees can vary widely depending on considerations such as the size of the business the work is for and the expertise of the artist (students charge less than long time pros)!. Doing a logo for a small independent store, for instance, is much less ($100 and up) than doing a logo for an international firm (thousands of dollars)!.

If you had done a lot of design work, you would not be asking, so I will assume you are a student or just starting a design business!. It is appropriate to charge about $25/hour for design work for a starting designer doing free-lance for a small business!. You might also consider charging a usage fee (you own the designs unless you sign them over in writing) if, for example, the magazine ad is expected to be used for many years and/or for many publications!.

You can get more information about fees and the complexities of contracts and copyrights (you need to know all that) in the book "Pricing and Ethical Guidelines" offered by the Graphic Artists Guild at http://www!.gag!.org/Www@QuestionHome@Com