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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What does a Siggraph Exibition pass give me? What can I do/see? Where can I go?

Question: What does a Siggraph Exibition pass give me!? What can I do/see!? Where can I go!?
also what do the other passes do!?

Can can I not do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The exhibition pass will get you into the main exhibitor's hall, where the various companies set up booths to show off their products!. It is where you can score LOTS of goodies, such as mousepads, calandars, pens, pencils, posters, hats, tee shirts and such!.

Often, some companys will give out trial versions of new and upcoming software, clip art and stock photos!.

It may NOT let you into the various conferences, classes and keynote addresses!. These often cost extra, or are by invitation only!.

If I lived down there, I wouldn't miss it!Www@QuestionHome@Com