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Question: Wolf drawing!.!.!.!?
I need to find a website that has pictures and directions on how to draw a wolf step by step!. am pretty good but i need to make my drawings better!. also i want it to look like a real wolf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't actually believe in learning to draw something this way!. You need to draw what you see, not draw "a wolf"!. I really good representational artist learns to move past symbols and labels, like "wolf" and "chair" and "house" and draw shapes, tones, and angles!. These elements come together to look like a wolf!.
The left side of the brain tries to make you draw what you think you see, but the right side wants to draw what you actually see!.
Look at a wolf, or a picture of a wolf, and draw that!.

But if you want a step by step instruction, just google "how to draw a wolf"Www@QuestionHome@Com