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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much should I charge for prints?

Question: How much should I charge for prints!?
I recently started a photography business!. I don't know how much to charge for prints!. I want to add a certain percentage to what my printer charges!. Such as 10%!? 20%!?

Please only answer if you know what you're talking about!.!. (Ages18+ with a photography career)

Thanks =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is what I do!. I charge different for assignments, purpose of the shooting, sitting fee, driving time, or hourly rate!.
However, my prints are sold at this rate (for now)
Files $35!.00

Keep in mind that you will write me a check as soon as I show up!.

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should charge a premium for prints, and they should be high quality!. Use the best photo paper and ink possible for your printer!. If the quality is still not up to professional standards, have your prints done at Costco (reasonably priced and high quality!.) Since photography is by nature visual, your entire product and reputation can sink if the prints are not perfect!. That being said, you need to charge for your time and materials for making prints!. As a rule of thumb, you should mark up the materials at least 100% -- that's right -- double it!. So if Costco is charging $!.50 a small print or $1!.50 for a large print, etc!., you need to mark that up to $1 and $3, and even that is below average!. I would factor in your time, as well!. If you are still a student, just getting started and doing this on the side, factor your time at $15-20/hr!. If you are very experienced and are building your own business to support yourself and perhaps a family, you need to charge a lot more -- call around and see what the professional wedding photographers charge!. (It's a LOT!) Portrait studios (Sears, etc!.) regularly charge $15 per sheet for reprints!. Wedding photographers charge $5000+ to do a wedding! If you are just getting started, build a reputation for quality photography and do not lowball your rates too much!. People equate price with quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to be competitve in your area!. You should research several photographers who do similar work to yours and use those prices to help set yours!. When first starting, if you have not established a reputation, you will want to offer a lower price than the well-known photographers!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your cost X 3Www@QuestionHome@Com