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Question: Transferring my own photos to canvas!?
I would like to print my own photos on canvas!. I have found a couple places online that do it for you but I am curious anyone know of a way to do it at home!? I have a great scanner and printer!. Anyone got any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can do it easily if you have a decent photo inkjet printer!. You can purchase a pretreated canvas product at almost any office supply store such as Staples or Office Depot!. You will need to check your output settings!. Usually this will be in your print dialog box where it says something along the lines of "paper/media!." In this section you will have the option to chose your settings for the type of media your printer will be printing to!. Some of the better home/photo inkjet printer descriptions (ppd) setups allow for the canvas medium!.

A word of warning here, depending on the printer, you may find that you do get some smudging of the print head on your canvas!. Some printers simply don't handle this medium well!. So it may do you well to to purchase a small amount of the canvas product and test it out first!.


You can do it yourself at home!. BUT you need a pretty high end inkjet printer to do it right!. Art supply stores sell the specially treated paper!.

Does your printer have SIX separate ink cartridges!? Having the light cyan and light magenta in addition to the regular colors will help make your photo art really stand out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com