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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to upload ur drawings onto the computer??

Question: How to upload ur drawings onto the computer!?!?
like do u have to use a scanner or what!?!? what do u use and what do u prefer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes a scanner
I have a flatbed one not one of the all in one things
Get a usb scanner from best buy

Get one with a decent dpi scan range!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i only recently worked it out myself lolx!.!.!.!.
i prefer taking pictures on my cellphone or camera!.!.!.!.!.then using the usb cable (this is given to you wen you buy a camera or a phone etc!.!.!.)

when you plug the usb in!.!.!.!.the pics wud either come up in a folder or a slideshow!.!.!.!.!! you can make a folder on your computer named "blah" (lolx) now you should have open 2 DIFFERENT folders!.!.!.!.!.one that is opened when you put your usb cable in that shows you all the pics you have in you camera or phone!.!.!.!.and the other is the folder you created!.!.!.!.!.

next you can just drag the photos (from your camera folder) into your "computer folder"!.!.!.!.making it automatically saved in your computer!!!!

its pretty easy!
plz give me your opinion!! llx!.!.!.!.heres my question!.!.!.


umm!.!.!.from a camera!?!.!.!.well if from a camera then!.!.!.the camera should come with this pluge that pluges into da wall! and well thats how u upload it =]Www@QuestionHome@Com