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Question: Long Exposure on Digital Camera!?
How do you take a photo with long exposure on a digital camera (like when the light blurs and streaks with movement)
i have a cannon sd 1000Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, you can do it!. Here's how!.

It can only go as long as 15 seconds - not minutes - but here's how to set it!.

Select the manual mode on your camera!.
You can not use long shutter in automatic!.
Press the "MENU" button!.
Stay in the shooting menu (camera icon)!.
Scroll down to "Long Shutter" and select "On!."
Press the "MENU" button to turn off the menu!.
Press the "FUNC" button!.
Scroll down to the +/- exposure compensation setting!.
You will see the usual (-2)-to-(+2) scale, but you will also see the word "MENU" above the scale as well as a little icon of the moon and stars!. This is a reminder that you have the long shutter option selected and that you press the "MENU" button to engage the shutter time selection!.
Press the "MENU" button and the (-2)-to-(+2) scale disappears and you will see (1") displated in the center!. This indicates that you are set to one second!.
Use the scroll button (right-left arrow button - the usual button to make manu changes) to change this setting!. You will find several presets and these are what you are limited to!. They include (among others):
1" = 1 second
1"3 = 1!.3 seconds
1"6 = 1!.6 seconds
2" = 2 seconds
and so on up to:
15" - 15 seconds!.

This will give you a lighter image and it might be too overexposed, but you can check your monitor and adjust accordingly and make additional adjustments to the time and try again!.

Here are some samples of my own long exposures made with a Canon Powershot camera and most of them were done exactly this way!. Read the details to see what exposures I used and try some of your own!.

!.!.!.well no samples tonight!. I'm sorry!. Yahoo! is not allowing Flickr links again!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will need a tripod to do that!. Set your aperture small (large f number) and your shutter speed slow (around a second or more) or bulb!. Set your ISO as low as it goes!. If you still have too much light for your streaks, then you will need a neutral density filter to block more light!. It also helps to not have other light sources nearby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shutter priority mode (will say Tv on the dial)!.

Oh!.!.!.wait!.!.!.no shutter priority mode on that camera!. So, get a camera with a shutter priority and set the exposure longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com