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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i take a picture like this?

Question: How do i take a picture like this!?

with the blurry spots!? i don't know what it's called :(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's called bokeh, what you do is cover the lens with piece of heavy black paper, press it around the lens the carefully take it off, cut out a small shape in the middle where the light would enter the camera!. It's a really cool effect!.

The truth is bokeh is not really this but it refers to the quality of blurred images, but I think you'll agree this is very very cool!.

Here is a great link, make sure you scroll all the way down!.


It's simply an out-of-focus picture of lights at night, perhaps enhanced in Photoshop!. You'll need a camera with an adjustable lens -- one you can focus!. At night, go to someplace with lights and shoot them out of focus!. You might also shoot through a window with raindrops on it -- I've gotten a similar effect that way!. Understand that the "heart" was a happy accident!. You can probably manufacture that in Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your camera has manual focus!. !. !. then just manually focus to put a bunch of light sources out of focus!. If your camera doesn't have manual focus, just focus on something close to your camera (close as in a few centimeters close) then point the camera at the lights

please try to avoid photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is what DOF (depth of field) will produce!.



Read more about DOF here:


You can do this with a digital P&S if it has macro mode!. Just set on macro, then shoot the lights that are some distance away!. Viola! Out of focus lights blobs!. I have a similar image made using our Christmas tree for the light source!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

use photoshop or corel draw!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know if this will help, but blibs!.com has a lot of stuff you can do with photos for free and no downloads!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com