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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I get a job in Photography?

Question: Where can I get a job in Photography!?
I wouldn't be freelance, seeing as I don't have all the equiptment yet!. And I stress YET!.

Do I have to have to go to school to work for a photographer!? Even portrait photography!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You need not go to school- check at your local camera shop and see if they need any help, c heck with local photographers and see if they need any assistants or second shooters!. If you want to go it alone, use what you have and start doing portraits for friends and family, people for some reason are now also wanting pet portraits!. All you need is a camera to get started-use what you have and go from there! You don't even need a studio- do everything on location- any scenic area- the local park, a botanical garden, even someplace in your own neighborhood that has nice scenery will do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends!. If you have proofs that you can show to a photography studio, they just may hire you!. Just practice taking photos of your friends and family, gather your best pieces and submit them to a studio that is hiring!. If they don't like your photos, ask them what they don't like and maybe they will give you some constructive criticism!. Just keep practicing!. I have always thought that some people have an eye for photography and some don't!. Depends on which one you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you might need some type of background working with computers and different types of cameras because todays technology is always changingWww@QuestionHome@Com