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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's the BEST (I mean THE BEST) book on how to draw anime?

Question: What's the BEST (I mean THE BEST) book on how to draw anime!?
I am a cartoonist in my spare time and draw all sorts of comics!. But I love anime!. If I could draw it, I think my life would be complete!. Best how to draw/ site for learning!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!. I've tried a lot of books and tutorials and to be honest, they don't really work!. For me, anyway!. I find it so much easier to learn by copying the art that I like!. And you probably already know about learning anatomy and stuff if you're an artist!.!.!. :)

There is a pretty good site for learning the basics, though, I'll find it for you!.!.!.


But I don't suppose it really matters, most of the sites and books out there are equally good for teaching the basic stuff, and after that I don't find any of them really that helpful!.
Just practice and copy, lol!. From real life as well, so you can get hair and folds and stuff!. Good luck and have fun!. ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to develop something truly original with an anime flair, practice realism, but fuse it with a style of your fav' anime movie!. I'd stay away from most of the 'serialized' titles only because they're not intended for theatrical or revisitations!. I'd figure out what 'movie' really impacts you on an artistic scale, then purchase the Japanese Art Book of that film from a number of Anime Original Art Book online importers!. It'll generally run about 50 bucks, but they're always full of behind the scenes sketches/character designs and pin ups not used for the film or even rejected artworks that are view worthy!.!.!.!. any 'how to draw' book is crap compared to your own stride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com