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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo fix up?

Question: Photo fix up!?
People who have exprience or knows the facts please!. How much would it cost a graphic designer or some one that make photos look like this and if you no y please state:


This includes making skin appear smoother, the text etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
According to the GAG pricing a guidebook, starting salary for the staff person who'd be processing a photo like that should be around 26,000 a year!. As a freelancer, I've done photo touchups like that for around $35 an hour!.

Why does it cost what it costs!? Because that's what my market will bear!. I can't charge less because I deserve to be compensated as a professional for skills I paid to acquire!. I can't charge more because my client probably has a cousin or whatever with a warez copy of Photoshop who will do an inferior job for free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com