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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I find front, side and back head shots of a human?

Question: Where can I find front, side and back head shots of a human!?
I need three reference shots from the same person for my class, but I was hoping to use some "stock" images off the internet!. I'm not to crazy about using my own pic!. Where can I find these!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pick a celebrity, any celebrity!. Do a google search on that person for images only!. Pick three shots!. Go to your local library or book store and get an artist anatomy book!. Take pictures of your parents or siblings or neighbors!. Check out this site: http://www!.fantasystockphoto!.com/Trooper!.!.!. I found it through a google search!. It might help you!. I don't know how you would print them, but if you keep your mouse on them, you should be able to draw them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


They have tons of stuff, search or choose a catagory!

other than photos it has really nice artwork, you can sell yours or print others or buy!Www@QuestionHome@Com