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Question: What kind of paint do I need to paint a picture!?
I want to paint a picture on a canvas, which kind of paint is best for that!? and once its done, does it need something over the top!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
if you want to work fast, use acrylic paint!. its good for a beginner, but doesn't blend as well!.

oils take a long time to dry and are a difficult medium for first time artists!. you have to buy turpintine to clean the brushes, and they are a lot less forgiving when you mess up!.

both work equally well on canvas, choose based on your skill level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acrylics all the way! They dry fast especially if you use a blow dryer!. I've been painting with acrylics on canvas for 4+ years and found them to be awesome!

Yes, after the painting is complete and has dried, most artists finish their artworks with a non-acidic protection coat!. There are protection spreys you can use like Krylon clear finish(That is what I use), and there are also clear finishes you can paint on by hand depending on your taste!.

No to advertise but I find Kylon is a great company!. Here is the link so you have an idea what to look for!.!.!.you can find it at a Micheals Store near you, they'll have it!.

Just a word of causion,!.!.!.if you deside to paint with oil paints, you'll need to finish it with something totally different,!.!.!.i don't know to much about oils but I think they use a varnish of sorts!. Anyway goodluck, happy painting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im going to say acrylic paint!. i've painted alot of times with it!. It took me some time to get used to it since i'd been painting with water color for a while!. It blends ok if you use water and do it fast!.!.!.once you get used to it you can blind easy!.!.!.i just got done painting a surf board in acrylic paint and i painted a sunset on it, its pertty ! Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on how much experiance you have in painting!.
I'd say if you're new to it all start with acrylics!.
After that do a little oil painting!.
And then move to water colors, water colored painting is very difficult, you have to start out light and go darker!. Other times it's the other way around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like they say, if your new it may be best to start with acrylics!. I've myself worked with acrylics before but didn't like the fact that they dry too fast!. Oils dry slower and give you a chance to work on really blending as well as correcting anything you don't think is working out!. With acrylics because of it quick drying time your really just covering it up and this can build up!. I learned to paint with oils using library books and you may want to look into both mediums before you decide!. My work can be checked out at hellosanantonio!.com under artist name GUERRO1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You sound like you are new to painting!?!? Acrylics are probably best to start, but search painting on canvas on the internet and you'll get some more help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

acrylics, i love themWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, tell me what you're planning to do!. Are you thinking of putting an image on a canvas for a "fun" thing as a one-time project or are you considering taking up painting seriously!?
If you're going to go into painting seriously and want advice on how to proceed I have all kinds for you!.
If this is a "have a little fun" thing, then there's not much to go on!. If that's the case, the cheapest route is watercolors, but you would not watercolor on a canvas!. So the only options are oils and acrylics!. These mediums have unique problems of their own to contend with and unless you take the time to become familiar with them you will become frustrated quickly!.
That's why it pays to take instruction from a competent teacher who can show you the correct way to prepare to paint and the proper way to handle the materials ( which means the paint, brushes and surface to paint on), because you cannot paint anything with competence unless you can confidently handle the tools!.
Now, if you just want to make a picture, a one time shot and nothing fancy -- buy a few acrylic paints!.or alkyds!. These do not require solvents and can be thinned and mixed with water!. also your brushes can be cleaned with water!. But remember, things have to be kept wet all the time -- paints and brushes!. Do not let the brushes dry and keep a spray bottle of water handy so you can spray the paints to keep them wet!.
Now, if you want to take up painting seriously -- if you really want to-- this is not the way to go!. There's a lot more to it than this!. If you want a little guidance or have questions come back on this site and let me know and I will help you!.
Three more things --one, you don't need anything over the top!. You can if you want but the picture is safe once dry!. Oils take a long time to dry (thoroughly, although they can be handled easily if care is taken after a few days ), and experts say you should wait at least a year before you spray or brush a preservative on them!. also, they tend to give you a shiny finish which many artists don't care for!. Two, -- do not take anyone's advice to teach yourself to paint by reading library books!. Don't do it!. Three, you can paint very nicely without turpentine -- or any other toxic materials!. I've been painting for many years and have never touched turp!.
You will be a much better artist in the long run by seeking out a competent teacher and learning properly!. Don't try to teach yourself by reading l!.brary books -- this is not a good plan for any serious student,
To give you an idea what I'm talking about visit www!.prosartschool!.com!. The studio I belong to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com