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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are Anthros?

Question: What are Anthros!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To be 'furry' usually means you like to dress as an animal, and may even believe you ARE an animal!. People like being a furry as being into beastiality, but that is not always the case!.
Anthro is short for anthromorphic, and basically, it's an animal with human characteristics, such as walking on two legs, or having a full head of hair!.
I'm an anthro artist, and I myself draw anthros because I can't draw anything feral to save my life, and anthro is a good mix of the two (animal and human)!.
However, NEVER make the mistake that because someone likes anthros, they are into beastiality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anthropromorphic characters!. In short furrys!. They are basicaly creatures that are animals with human qualitys!. I hope that helped!. ^w^Www@QuestionHome@Com
