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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the main key to drawing tribal things anyone.?

Question: What is the main key to drawing tribal things anyone!.!?
i have always wanted to learn how to draw something cool so just need some tips anyone!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take whatever it is you want to draw, such as a tree, bird, insect, snake, whatever!.!.!. and then try to make it out of individual shapes, rather than drawing the whole!. if you want it to look sick rather than primative, make sure you use curved shapes that end in barbed spikes!. you see this allot in tattoos!.!.!. so researching tattoo designs is a good place to start!.

EX tattoo designs:

visit the specific tribes, study their way of living for some time,
what is used in daily life like clothes, utensils, instruments, garments, hair style, make some sketches on the spot, also how they make houses,paint them, any art on them, and their festivals, functions!. do they paint houses, with what!?
once u r there u will see many more things!.!.!.!.how they cook, how they sleep, how they fetch water!.!. river or well or stream, what utensils!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com