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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What website can teach you to draw really well? I'd like to draw anime and m

Question: What website can teach you to draw really well!? I'd like to draw anime and maybe comics!.!?
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Two good websites are http://www!.drawright!.com/ and http://www!.vilppustudio!.com/!. The thing is you'll also need to invest in the books to get the most out of what these teachers have to offer, but believe me, it's worth it! You don't just learn proportions, rules of perspective, and do random exercises, you enhance your creativity, strengthen your eye and memory, and get in deep into the hows and whys of drawing!. Not just superficial stuff (albeit those are important too)!.

For human anatomy study, http://www!.human-anatomy-for-artist!.com/ is an excellent resource!. Look at the human body (in the buff) in multiple poses and in multiple views!. To have full access to their stock, you have to subscribe, but they have some free samples that are regularly updated and you can download them to your harddrive!.

If you want to draw effectively and convincingly, then I'd suggest not studying anime or comics!. You can still enjoy them, but don't use them as reference when you are learning how to draw!. You want to train your eye to see, give your imagination a good workout, and learn certain techniques that will bring out your own particular voice!. After all, drawing is more than style and technique, it's cultivating those special, intangible ideas that only you have and having the skill to bring them out in a way that other people will believe them (sorry to get all esoteric on you)!.

All that said, a great book that targets comic artists and gives a thorough instruction on storytelling (a skill that all artists can benefit from) is Making Comics by Scott McCloud!. In fact, any book by him is worth looking into!. He gets into the nitty gritty of comics and emphasizes why certain choices are made when telling a story!.

also draw from life as much as you can!. Watch people, animals, study buildings, different kinds of architecture, and even draw your own hands and body parts!. Drawing moving things like people can be frustrating, but usually it's best to just concentrate on drawing the action and NOT every little detail, as if you were drawing from a photograph!. Unless you already have the human anatomy memorized or have a photographic memory, drawing every detail is impossible!. Just lay down loose, gestural strokes and analyze the action, i!.e!. a person running, eating, gesturing with their body as they talk, etc!. Do this consistently and you will understand the way that people act and will make your comics even more believable!

I realize that I have recommended more books than websites, but I've found that books give you a far more intensive and thorough education on drawing than websites!. Hope they help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no exact lesson you can take to learn how to draw 'well'!.
You can just get the basics, and practice, practice, practice!. :)
You could visit your local library for some how to books on anime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com