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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do we use symbols in subject or background in a piece of art work?

Question: Why do we use symbols in subject or background in a piece of art work!?
please give me any good answers i'd gladly thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Symbols are short cuts to getting a message across from the artist to the viewer!.

In illustration, and fine art, for instance, the artist gets only one image, one chance to convey that mesage!. An entire story may be told in that single frame!. Foods, for example often serve as a symbol of lust, as in a way to feed one's hunger!. Pastoral backgrounds stand for peace and harmony!. Cityscapes are shorthand for commerce, density, congestion, rapid movement, etc!.

Here's a visualization!. The scene is a busy airport terminal!. A man, surrounded by luggage is hugging a woman!. A couple of young children are reaching, hanging on to the man's coat!. How do you "fill in" the rest of the story!? The symbolism of the airport location, the embrace and the children tell one story!.

Now, change just part of those symbols!. In another image, the man is walking toward the woman and children!. The kids are running to the man, with open arms and smiling faces!. What story does this tell!?

Images in advertisements are full of these kinds of symbols!. Why were polar bears chosen for the Coke commercials during the Xmas season!? Why are Clydesdales the symbol for Budweiser!? Why are firey horses used in that synthetic oil ad!?Www@QuestionHome@Com