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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HOW TO PAINT fireworks???? (ya i mean paint on a canvas)?

Question: HOW TO PAINT fireworks!?!?!?!? (ya i mean paint on a canvas)!?
I really need ur help!!
I paint using acrylic paints sometimes!.!.
and i need to know how to draw fireworks for my art project
please can anybody help me on this!?!?
perhaps tell me the website or just type it on directly!.!.!.
i really, really need it fast!.!.!.

thanks a lot!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on the type of fireworks that you want to paint!.

Copying another artist can sometimes help, but it's more satisfying to 'see' an effect and find your own way of making it appear correctly on the canvas!.

For most bright lights, and especially multicoloured lights such as fire or neon, it often helps if you start with a splash of the lightest colour (sometimes bright white, but more often a yellow of some kind), and add each darker colour as a 'mask' around the edge of a lighter one!.

If the overlapping colour is opaque, this gives a 'hard-edged' transition, which is useful in some circumstances!. When the overlaid colour is transparent, you get a 'softer' transition!.

You can do this the other way around, too, but it's more difficult to make soft transitions from each colour to the next (if you decide you want them)!. A 'dry-brush' technique can help!.

When you have organised all of the concentric colours in this 'starburst' way, you can get some good effects by spattering 'sparks' of bright colour, or of white, on top!.

(For example, by running your thumb along the bristles of a toothbrush, so that they each 'flick' a droplet of paint as you go!. Different kinds of brush (scrubbing brush, stippling brush, makeup blending brush) will produce different kinds of spatter, and varying the angle between your spatterbrush and the canvas will give different results too!.)

If you spatter bright white sparks, you can add colour to them by dabbing transparent paint over the droplets; this can work 'wet into wet', but it's often best to wait until the first paint dries!. Spray paint applied over dried or wet brushstrokes, dabs, and spatters, can modify their appearance in useful ways too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find some pictures of fireworks on the Internet and use them as an example!.

I found these:


I know there are many more!.

Keep Arting!
Jeff (weseye) WesleyWww@QuestionHome@Com