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Question: I'm getting a photography assistant!?
for my wedding photography assignments and I'm seeking a walkie-talkie-like device that I can use to communicate with him/her!.
I do NOT want another gadget to be held in my hand to compete with the camera I just want one that consists basically of a headset and mouthpiece!.
Where can I find such a device!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot of the walkie talkie devices now have a jack for earpiece/microphone (or two jacks) and you can just clip it to your belt and have the headset on your head!. They may even make a Bluetooth-enabled one now so you don't have the wire!.

As far as one that's just a headset and mouthpiece, a quick search found this: http://www!.youngexplorers!.com/itemdy00!.a!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the one I use on assignments or working around the house and works pretty good and will not interfere with anybody else!. The problem was to find a nice headset that I would like

How about a blutooth earpiece for your cell phone - works great for usWww@QuestionHome@Com