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Question: 10 year old starting career!?
I am 10, and it is my TRUE DREAM to become a photographer!! Any suggesgtions on what I can do to start getting into it!? I am always taking pictures, but I am SUPER bored with just walking around with a camera, and sometimes flashing a pic when I see a cool cloud or something!. I live in AL, and I was wondering what I should do!? Were can I find a photography class or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi im Catherine and11,and i am talking photography too, and I would suggest Photogrophy for dummies 1st & 2nd edition or the THE CRAFT OF PHOTORAPHY By David Vestal!.

Hope I helped! : ))))))))))))Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are tired of just walking for photography, then you might try some staged photography!. An example of that would be fashion photography and some artistic photography!. There is also some staged nature photography too!. You might have a friend go sit in a mud puddle or have them put on a silly costume and walk around town!. You could make an arrangement of seashells and take some close pictures of them so they look like you're in a weird world!. These are just ideas I came up off the top of my head!. You can probably think of some much better ones!.

Far as classes, they might have some available at your school when you go to middle or high school!. I would try to find someone in your family who knows a lot about cameras and have them teach you some things!. You should also ask your art teacher at school if they know anything about cameras!. I'm sure he or she would be able to teach you something new about photography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest you try reading up on the subject!. Learn the basics of good black and white, since that can help you to really see potential in color (to that end, look up Ansel Adams)!. It is true you CAN learn a lot by taking pictures, but there is so much more than snapping a shutter!.
~Read up on exposure times (length of time the shutter is open to allow exposure) lighting, filters, etc!.
~Think about what type of photography you are interested in (action/sport, product/commercial, still-life, portrait)
~When you do take pictures, consider keeping a log of the details (i!.e!. overcast or sunny, shutter speed, filters used, tripod or hand held, even what caught your eye initially)
~Talk to you parents about getting a computer software program to edit photos!. You don't have to get the most expensive, but it will give you a start on manipulating the photograph!.

All of the things we do now with software, master photographers used to do with the camera and in the darkroom!. You would be surprised how much you can change an image after you take it, but now we can do it from the comfort of a desk (rather than a darkroom)!.

As for taking a class, I don't know of any keyed towards someone as young as you, which is why I suggest individual study for the time being!. Once you get in high school (and maybe even middle school), you may be able to pursue your dream and get credit!.

Good luck, and I hope your dream comes true!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might check the YMCA or Boy's & Girl's Club if you have one!. Often they have summer programs for people your age!.

Go to your library and check out some books on photography!. Start to learn the basics, even if you have a fully automatic camera!. Look at good photographs in magazines and on pro websites!. Pay attention to the light and the composition!. (If you don't know what composition is, find out! It is important in photography and the other arts!.)

If you are bored with your photography, try shooting something different!. If you usually shoot landscapes, pick a bunch of flowers and try some available light still life!. Do a series of portraits on your family or pets!. Shoot small things!. One day only take pictures of red things!. Pick out a favorite professional photograph from a magazine and try to duplicate it!. Look at your effort and decide where you succeeded and what still needs work!.

Most families have a shutterbug who is into photography as a hobby!. If your family has someone like that, ask them to be a mentor!. Ask your teachers at school for help, there may be a teacher who is an avid photographer!. The art teacher will be able to teach you about the artisitc side of photography, even if he/she is not a photographer!. Composition and color theory are the same for artists as well as photographers!.

Keep learning and practicing!. Learn to see the world around you and you will seldom be bored!. Good luck and best wishes! also, make sure your parents know you are on-line, and be very careful of the sites you visit!. www!.kodak!.com, and www!.betterphoto!.com are two sites suitable for people your age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a camera and are taking pics - then you are already a photographer!.
Why not look at the Morguefile!.com and link up to it!. They have a free tutorial going there, you can also contribute pics to their Royalty Free picture bank!. It allows folk to use your pics without and payment but it also lets you find out if your pics are useful to the public!. It will as well as that give you an incentive for taking pics, so that you can set yourself targets to fill and become more practiced in trying alternate styles!.
Go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats great, hold that dream and work on it every week, don't let it down or put it off!Www@QuestionHome@Com