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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Tell me what you think of this drawing?

Question: Tell me what you think of this drawing!?
I really need some constructive criticism because this is an assignment that I might have to turn in!.

Last, if you have suggestions then please feel free to tell me them!. I have alot of space left on the paper, I'm not sure how I'd want to fill it or if I should flip the hand to point down!.

Below are the links and closeups if you need them [excuse my lame camera]






Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You definitely have a talent and you should keep at it!. Draw every day, you'll be phenomenal!!! And judging by your shading, I think you would work really well with charcoal!. The thought of that first scared me away years ago, but I used charcoal pencils, you can get a set at any arts and crafts store and it has 4 or 5 from really hard to really soft!. Because it's a pencil, it's a little less messy and you have a little more control!. And also get a white chalk pastel pencil for highlights!. I think you could do some beautiful shading work with that! Keep it up, it's so nice to see artist's with a real talent!.

As for criticism, I would just keep at it, maybe make the darkest parts a little darker, so that the highlights are more pronounced!. Other than that, just try and remove some of the outlines you have from the lighter areas (on the edges)!. But so far so good!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've rendered the skeletal hand very well!.
Most is rather dark; supplement that with lighter highlights with your white charcoal or pastels!. That should make your drawings "pop" a little more!.
The quality should speak for it's ownself instead of doing more drawings!.
If you'd like, try a view of a foot, bent knees or a 3/4 view of the back of the skull with a few vertebrae!. Put a black flower in that hand! LOL!.
Great work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont feel you have to fill the paper up!. Some dark shading in the background would really make the drawing stand out!. Remember, light comes forward, dark recedes!. You dont have to make it dark around the entire hand, you could darken the background in just one area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats pretty great :]
The shading really shows talent!.!.maybe to fill up space, have the hand reaching for something!?

Depending on the assignment, an apple, flower, poison, matching hand!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You seem to have a good eye for skeletal anatomy & you really don't have to alter that much except that the finger tips should be slightly rounder!.Other than that,pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Kristi

Nice pencil work!. I would fill up the space with the same skeleton hand but, this time, a full view withthe skins, and not the x-ray of the bones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can see that you use shadows very well!.!.!.!. i don't mind the space left!.!.!.!.but you can draw a room (walls) with perspective or something creepy maybe (spiders)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is really beautiful!. I think flipping 180 degrees would give you more to work with!.!.!.that is, you could do more with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is that a hand!?

cuz if it is its good

if its not!.!.!.!.!.!.idkWww@QuestionHome@Com