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Question: New with Holga Help!!!!?
I bought a Holga camera from UOF and I am not sure if I am working it correctly, this might sound stupid but my question is, How do you know if the picture you took did come out on the film!?!? because i opened the back so see if there was like some kind of fade of any image I took a picture of on the film and i see nothing!.

Is the image even suppose to appear in the undeveloped film!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey, there's no way of knowing for sure whether or not your image came out on the film in your holga, and any other film camera!. When you take the picture, and it appears on the film, it's invisible to the eye until it gets developed!. So whether it came out of the film or not, you still wouldn't be able to see it in the film!.

no, the image doesn't appear in the under-developed film, and i know from experience, i opens the back of my film camera, and i thought the same, but i didn't see anything on the film, and i know from research!.

you shouldn't expose the film to even the mildest light though,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you kidding!?

No !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't open the back with undeveloped film!.

If you expose undeveloped film to massive amounts of light by opening the camera, you'll ruin the picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com