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Question: Aperature Priority on Nikon D40!?
I am not used to all the automatic functions of an SLR yet, I went from using a fully manual FM10 to a D40!.

I just got a Nikkor 50mm 1!.8d and I want to know if what I'm planning will work!. If I set the camera to Aperature priority, and then dial it down to f1!.8!.!.!. will the camera take care of the rest (shutter, film speed)!? I'm looking to really take advantage of the great depth of field, and I hope this will help me acheive it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Aperture priority, you select the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed!. Shutter priority, you select the shutter speed and the camera selects the aperture!. You must set the ISO, (ASA) the camera will not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Certainly!. I don't know about the ISO (film speed)!.

Having used FM10, you already have a solid background in 'what settings you need for this particular scene!.' Let the camera adjust what needs to be adjusted--but you're still in control!.

At f 1!.8, that lens should be able to give you pretty nice blurry background!. Probably like this:


(135 mm f 2)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it will, but why not check out overrride when you are not sure and the camera becomes controllable again!. To me, fully automatic is like having a snapshot camera!. Half the fun of photography is knowing that the shot you got was your work and not some pre set idea from a factoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you shoot at f1!.8 you will have the least depth of field possible for that lens, to get maximum DOF you must stop the lens down to minimum aperture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!.!. If on aperture priority!.!. you set the aperture and it will set the appropriate shutter speed to give the correct exposure!.!.!. barring any tricky situations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will take care of the shutter speed, but not the ISO!. That should be on the dial on the top of the camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com