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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Opinions and ideas for kids(that I taught this summer) T-Shirts??

Question: Opinions and ideas for kids(that I taught this summer) T-Shirts!?!?
I'm making all my kids (I only have 8) T-Shirts and going to give them to them on the last day(Fri)!. I have white shirts, and bright and primary colored fabric markers, I was thinking about writing their names across the whole front or in the left or right corner!. The somthing on the back like their fav # or their age(so either 9 or 10 on the back) or something about them ex!.!.I have a girl who's a gymnast so!.!.!.Gymnast on the back, or for one of my boys!.!.!.Quarterback, or Basketball!?!?!? Or put their names on their back, and fav #, and on the front just draw something that represents them in the corner!.!.!. Any other Ideas!? Or which one do u think is best!? Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it is not a good idea to put a child's name on an article of clothing like this, because predators will use this to their advantage!. ("hey billy, your mom told me to give you a ride")
how about tie-dye, sponge print with fabric paint, and/or let the kids decorate their own shirtsWww@QuestionHome@Com