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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best pencil for the brightest, dazzling white values? good grays wit

Question: What is the best pencil for the brightest, dazzling white values!? good grays without using graphite!?
I've been drawing with a combination of charcoal, carbon, graphite, and generals charcoal white pencils on varying shades of gray paper!.

I don't really like the combination of graphite with charcoal or carbon because it becomes shiny and tend to stand out!. My white pencil falls short of what I want too!. It tends to be a little bit of an eggshell color!. Is there any alternative that gives brilliant dazzling whites!?

some examples of my work can be seen here if curious!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off very nice art!. Your values are good, I'm not too sure about how correct your images of your art are, but if its true to your actual pieces then they could probably have a bit more bright pure white!. (the images look generally a bit greyish)!.

As for your question, when I use charcoal and I need another color or white, I simply use chalk pastel pencils!. Right now I use "Daler Rowney Pastel Pencils" and I'm quite pleased with the results!. However that being said if I do a piece purely in charcoal I tend to try to use the white of the paper to be the pure white, usually going back into it with an eraser!.

I hope this helps, your art is very photo realistic and your values look great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com