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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can any models out there give me some advice or tips to get started?

Question: Can any models out there give me some advice or tips to get started!?
either next year or the year after that i might be going to NYC to try out for ford or elite agencies
i'm 12 and 5'8 and tan i think i have a good shot at itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi!. I was with Ford in NY and Elite in Paris, it's been a while though!.
You sound like you have the height and if you are a size 0-2 you have the right frame!. Don't get too tan, it doesn't look good in photos, they can use make up if they want you tan!.
If you have a modeling agency where you live (or nearby) it would do you a lot of good to talk to them so you will have had some practice, even if it's cheesy stuff!.
There are several really good agencies in NYC so don't limit yourself to Ford & Elite!. Eileen is gone & Johnny Casablanca retired from Elite and they were the driving forces of those agencies!. Marilyn Agency (she used to be my booker in Paris) is very good and I trust her!.
Just be careful of some of the "agencies" that have been opened by guys with money who's purpose is hitting on the girls!. Take your Mom with you until you are older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

honey you're to young!. Models are over 18 and you're not even done growing!. Wait 6 more years and I highly doubt and 18 year old is going to get a contract with ford unless they are smoking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com