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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are these photos any good? (link works this time)?

Question: Are these photos any good!? (link works this time)!?
posted these pics a while ago and people said they would look better if I edited the lighting and such!. So I did that and now I would like to know your opinions!. Please tell me: your favorite one and your least favorite one!. also, I know the 'dog' and 'key' compositions are blurry but I don't know how to fix them!. If I sharpen them, it looks weird!. I also don't know what to do to blur our the house in the background of 'key'!. If you can help me with these problems I would appreciate it!. Thanks


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey Hithere!.!.!.

Love the pics of the key and the plant!. It's a change from all the other flower shots, and skies etc!.!.!.!.

The difference with the plant is the crispness and what you were trying to convey at the time!. Good shot!.

Composition, cropping, colros all good!. I would have loved to see a little more sharpness on the key because that was a good idea that you had!. Very original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like these a lot!. The Key is really good!. Nice job!.

To blur the house in Key more try focusing to infinity or closing the lens down!.!.!.1!.7 or lower if you canWww@QuestionHome@Com