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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Anyone done bachelor of fine arts??

Question: Anyone done bachelor of fine arts!?!?
if so can you please give me the low down on whether you thought it was good or not and where it has led you!?
i am wanting to do photography as a major and from what i have heard i have been told that you do a year of exploring all different areas in which you can major in and then you pick one during 2nd year which would be photography for me!.
is this correct!? or am I wrong!. please explain i really don't get it!. thanks heapsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, BFA undergraduates at most art colleges go through a foundation year that's made up of general courses so that they get a feel for different kinds of art before pursuing specific majors!.

For example, you'd be taking basic courses such as art history, intro to 2d design, life drawing, ect!. You'd also be able to take electives that'll give you a feel for majors that you might have never previously considered, such as illustration or printmaking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com